PELAGOS aim was to establish a permanent Cluster of national HUBs in the Blue Energy (BE) sector, where technical experiences are shared. Permanent communication among actors was a crucial asset for the evolution and advancement of the project and its effective contribution to the Blue Growth of Mediterranean coastal, insular and offshore regions.
The specific scope of PELAGOS was to facilitate the deployment of targeted technological solutions and products that are tailored to the characteristics of the Mediterranean environment.
It addressed both the request for adequate information and support expressed by several direct stakeholders in the Blue Energy value chain, and the demand for economic, environmental and societal sustainability coming from private and public bodies and citizens.

Type of tool
Geographical scale
Pilot Areas
The project implemented Pilot Actions at both regional, national and transnational level, that illustrated and provided services, tools and methods tailored to the needs of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and helped highlight the actual obstacles and limitations to the development of the Blue Energy sector.
What problems would this tool solve?
The Blue Energy Cluster platform solves the problem of the lack of innovation and cooperation in the rising field of blue energy. In particular, the platform offers organisations cooperation opportunities in the field of Marine Renewable Energy. The “Market Place” of the platform includes two modules: the Cooperation module and the Technology module.
The Cooperation model gives organizations the opportunity to present and promote themselves, thus creating a database with innovative and influential actors in the field of marine renewable energy.
The Technology module gives the members of the Blue Energy Cluster the chance to showcase their innovative technologies and services, including ground-breaking technologies that have the potential to tap into the unlimited power sources of the ocean
What is needed for its implementation?
Technological infrastructure
PC and an internet connection
The platform has approximately 500+ members that have been properly trained on the use of the platform and can now use it effectively. CRES as facilitator intends to maintain the platform and increase the Blue Energy Cluster members. New members will also be properly trained on the use of the platform.
New actions and investments are planned for the continuation of the platform’s operation.
How to use it?
The Blue Energy Cluster aims at increasing the innovation capacity of its members, support research and innovation in the Marine Renewable Energy (MRE) sector and foster linkages and collaborations among all the stakeholders of the Quadruple Helix (industry-academia-public-citizens). The Blue Energy Cluster include members from Croatia, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain. The mission is to assist the development of the emerging sector of Blue Energy in the Mediterranean and to become an important part of the blue economy, fueling economic growth in coastal regions and creating new, high-quality jobs. The web platform serves as a space of open dialogue where cluster members can make collaboration requests or requests for a specific technology, as well as offers of a technology they have developed. After registering, the interested cluster member can add an “opportunity”, referring to a particular MRE technology they have developed or a collaboration opportunity in general. Moreover, cluster members can get in touch with other companies and potential clients of the sector through the platform, as well as being informed on the latest news and events in the sector.
What are the expected results?
The expected results of the platform is the development of the emerging sector of Blue Energy in the Mediterranean and becoming an important part of the blue economy that promotes innovation and research in the sector and supports collaborations among stakeholders, while fueling economic growth in coastal regions and creating new high-quality jobs. In quantitative terms, the expected results are 500+ members and more than 30 innovative project ideas are developing and discussing in the web-platform.
Transfer potential
The transfer potential is vast, stemming from the mature actions and projects resulting from cooperation in innovative blue energy technologies. The platform covers the vital need of organisations for cooperation. Considering the early stage of development of the sector, finding a partner can be a difficult task for the organisations that are active in the field of marine renewable energy.
The platform can serve as an innovative tool for overcoming this difficulty, in which members can offer their technology or service and find collaboration opportunities.